HWB #2.1 is Kinda Funded

So the funding campaign ended a few days ago, and while it wasn’t fully successful (we got $392), we’re still immensely grateful for the support we got. Lucien and I have decided to keep forging ahead anyway, hoping downloadable sales will help fill that gap over time. We love doing this comic and we’re not letting little details like *MONEY* stop us. So we’ll have to stop drinking overpriced coffee from Starbucks for a little while–so what? (They really DO add up, you know?)

But I digress.

Over the next few days, those who bought Insider & First Reader Rewards will be invited to private rooms on Upwork (where the comic is being produced) and will start getting insight into what’s coming up in #2.1. Be sure to check your spam filters in case the invite gets trapped in there (you never know). If you haven’t received anything by Friday, please let us know, we’ll look into it. It’s important to us you get your rewards (plus, we can’t wait to hear your comments about what’s happening in the next issue).



6 thoughts on “HWB #2.1 is Kinda Funded

  1. Hi there I signed up as an early reader but don’t seem to have received any invitation yet…

    Thanks in advance.

    1. I sent the original invite about 24 days ago, but I see now you never accepted it–maybe it got caught in your spam filter? At any rate, I just resent it, so please let me know if you still can’t find it.


  2. Thanks all sorted and enjoying the reading…

  3. I know all of these pages are nearly 5 years old now, but I see no references for how to contribute or get access to any of the newer pages. Is this all a dead comic on infinite hiatus, or is it just an issue with the http://mozaikcomics.com/crowdfunding/projects/heroes-without-borders-needs-you/ page going missing?

    1. Hi Ed,

      Sorry for the slow reply, the comic has been (sadly) defunct for several years and I haven’t been checking it at all. The reason I am, however (and this might be good news) is that Lucien, Osiris and I are getting back together to reboot it in a different format and with a different main character. I’m going to be revamping the website this week and start publishing the new installment of the comic in the days to come. Hopefully you’ll be on board and will help us make the new comic known to new readers.



      1. Thanks for keeping me in the loop. Moving this from my dead comics bookmarks list over to my ‘check every so often’ list, just in case life happens and it’s the only notice I get. 🙂

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